Q – Give us a quick description of your business.
A – Brand Blarney is a voluntary group established in 2016 to create opportunities for the community to contribute to an already established tourist attraction in a manner that enhances Blarney’s status as a global brand, supports the local economy & gives tourists a reason to spend more time & money in the locality.
Q -Who are the people behind Brand Blarney?
A – While we are slow to call ourselves a committee, we recognize the need for some formal structure at times. Our present roles are as follows:
- Sue Pamment is the Chairperson.
- James Mulcahy is the Vice Chairperson
- Deborah Maguire is the Secretary
- Meghan Maguire is the Treasurer
- Tom O’Byrne, Fionnuala Carroll and Natasha Foley also coordinate various aspects of the Clogheenmilcon Fen projects that are underway.
- We also work with smaller groups of volunteers depending on the needs of the project of the day.
Q -Where are you based?
A – Though few of us actually live in Blarney, we all consider Blarney as our base of operations since that is the focus of our efforts.
Q-Tell us about your offerings.
A – Blarney Village Heritage Map
We developed a beautiful heritage map and trail of Blarney village with the support of the Cork County Council and the Blarney & District Historical Society. The map launched by author Alice Taylor was marked by an absolutely electric day of historical re-enactments performed by Blue Hat, Blarney Men’s Shed, Shandon Shawlies, Blarney Vintage Club, Cobh Heritage Vintage Era, Cór Géal and numerous other volunteers within the community.
We also took part in Cork Culture Night with another hugely entertaining historical re-enactment around the village square- thanks in no small part to all the community groups who give us every support in our endeavors!
Covid 19 put a stop to any further events for a time, but we hope to have more of these colourful events going forward.
The VisitBlarney.com Website
Brand Blarney launched an interactive heritage trail and website at www.visitblarney.com[SP1] .
Just by clicking on the various links on your phone as you stroll from Blarney castle through the picturesque village you see what the real story was behind those doors in times past!
The website also provides information on places to stay, places to eat, things to do as well as information about Blarney businesses.
Clogheenmilcon Fen Illustrated Map
Brand Blarney also work with local ecologist Tom O’ Byrne to preserve and enhance the local Clogheenmilcon Fen also known locally as the Blarney Bog. Showcasing the flora & fauna that define our beautiful 100-acre wetlands, the beautifully illustrated maps displayed at the entrances, allow the visitor to enjoy the benefits of this biodiverse space- another jewel in the Blarney crown & just a stone’s throw from Cork city!
1st May Dawn Chorus
Every year on the 1st May we invite people to come hear the birds sing at the fen! Not for the late risers as we start at 4.45 am! Tom O’ Byrne & James Mulcahy talk us through the sounds and identify the various birds. It really is magical.
Tom & James also give talks on World Wetlands Day & even on our resident Sika deer!
Q – Any funny anecdotes?
A – Having the word Blarney in the Oxford dictionary is pretty funny when you consider how it got there.
“Odds bodkins, it’s all Blarney, what he says he never means!” stated an exasperated Queen Elizabeth 1 when she was being thwarted in pinning down Cormac MacDermot MacCarthy Lord Muskerry (1532-1616) to swear allegiance to the crown- hence to this day the word Blarney means flattering & persuasive speech.
That’s punching above our weight for a small, picturesque village in Ireland!
Q – Any Highlights
A – While we do keep a low profile generally, working away behind the scenes, it is lovely to get recognition every now and again for our achievements as a group such as:
Winning the award for ‘Best Tourism Initiative’ in the inaugural Blarney & District Chamber of Commerce Awards.
Winning the 2019 Cork County Mayors Community Award which is all the more special as we had by then transitioned to the Cork City boundaries.
Winning the Blarney Chamber Digital Media Award this year for our website, particularly the interactive heritage map and our social media – which you can find on the links below so please do follow/like us!
Also, we especially enjoy working with the community
- Our Tree Hugging Project collaboration with Susan Tector Sands & all local schools.
- Installing almost 40 bird & bat boxes made by Eddie Barry of Blarney Men’s Shed, on the various islands located around the waterways of Fen as well as the two Bug Hotels made by Blarney Men’s Shed.
- Community planting of native shrubs, bulbs & trees with the help of transition year students of Scoil Mhuire gan Smal/ Blarney Men’s Shed.
- Seeing people enjoying the new seating and picnic benches in the main carpark and along the walkways was another highlight for us. The continuous work & improvements at the Fen make it a better, safer place for people to exercise and be immersed in nature.
Q-What are your biggest challenges?
A – Being a volunteer is the biggest challenge for us all as we have enough ideas but never enough people, enough time or enough money!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who does support us with donations, including our local councillors and businesses.
Q -Any new ideas in the pipeline?
A – Friends of the Clogheenmilcon Fen
- We are working to create a ‘Friends of the Fen’ group of volunteers who would like to get involved in any aspect of the fen, whether it be taking photos at the Fen and sharing them on our social media; being our eyes and ears on the ground if they notice something needs attention; helping with weeding/watering, community planting, biodiversity, or just having ideas they feel could work- so if this is something you feel you would be interested in please do contact us at talktome@brandblarney.com.
Q – How does Blarney Chamber membership help you as a voluntary group?
A – We have a very close relationship with Blarney Chamber since we began in 2016 because as business members, that’s how we first came up with the idea to create Brand Blarney. The chamber is always willing to get involved in our projects and offer support in any way they can, so we love attending the meetings to give updates and get some feedback and ideas from various members.
We would encourage other voluntary groups to come along to a meeting and see for themselves how we can all help each other along!
Q -Any advice for Joe Public?
A – Follow us on social media if you want to keep up to date on all things heritage, tourism & biodiversity!
Contact Details
Brand Blarney
Email: talktome@brandblarney.com
Website: https://visitblarney.com/https://visitblarney.com/
Brand Blarney Instagram: aloadofblarney/
Brand Blarney Facebook: BrandBlarney
Clogheenmilcon Fen Instagram: clogheenmilconfen/
Clogheenmilcon Fen Facebook: ClogheenmilconFen